RAY BAUM’S Law 506: What That Means for Your Hotel

RAY BAUM’S Law 506: What That Means for Your Hotel

In March of 2018, the House of Representatives passed a $1.3 Million omnibus appropriations bill that incorporated HR4986, or RAY BAUM’S Law (Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern Services) act into law.  RAY BAUM’S Law, specifically section 506, requires “dispatchable location” information to be passed along to first responders in the event of a 911 call being made, specifically for multi-line telephone systems, fixed telephone services, interconnected VoIP services, telecommunications relay services, and mobile texting services.  Information such as the street address, floor level, and room number of the caller will be required to enable first responders to find the exact location of the individual needing help quickly.

RAY BAUM’S Law: Compliance, E911, MLTS and You

RAY BAUM’S Law Enhances Location Information in Emergency Calls

For residential users, when a call is made to 911, the residents street address is sent to the PSAP, or Public Safety Answering Point, which is then passed onto the first responders.  The current process for business solutions and multi-line telephone systems only gives the registered address along to the PSAP which leads first responders to one central location within the building.  So a guest calling 911 from the 4th floor will send first responders to the check-in desk, leaving them with the task of locating the actual room the call came from.

RAY BAUM’S law requires providers to pass along more specific location information to the PSAP, including but not limited to the room number, floor, suite, and even the specific conference room a call may have come from.  Additionally, notifications will be required to be passed along to either the front desk or other on-site responsible parties, enabling them to provide any necessary first aid and escort first responders to the actual location of the call.

RAY BAUM’S Law and Compliance for MLTS

According to the law, the FCC must conclude their proceedings evaluating rules to ensure that the dispatchable location information of the caller (e.g., office number, suite number, room number, etc.) including multi-line telephone systems (MLTS), regardless of which technology platform the system utilizes.  This means that by September 23, 2019, all MLTS manufacturers and providers will be required to:

  1. Enable a user to initiate a 911 call from any internal telephone without the requirement to dial any additional digit, code, prefix, or trunk-access code.   (Kari’s Law)
  2. Notify on-site personnel (for example, security desk, third-party security service, or an employee on-call)
  3. Pass along to the PSAP the “dispatchable location” with every 911 call, regardless of the platform used.

MIX Networks helps Senior Living Facilities and Hotels Maintain Compliance

Ray Baums Law

With the deadline fast approaching, multi-line telephone system users have little time to ensure their solution complies with RAY BAUM’s Law and Kari’s Law.  MIX Networks Hosted PBX solution can assign a DID down to the room number, suite number, conference room, etc., to help your business meet the compliance needs for RAY BAUM.  Contact a specialist today and ensure your compliance before September 23.

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