pots connections

What are POTS Lines? Read now to find out

POTS Lines, or plain old telephone service, have been a hot topic over the last few years as the FCC removed the maintenance requirement for the copper lines at the heart of the POTS line.   The phone has long been a staple of American life.  The majority of us cannot remember a time in […]

CommentsJanuary 2021
Pots Line replacement

Reasons to Replace Your POTS Line Now

Did you know?  That the National Regulatory Research Institute recently reported that 41 states have reduced or even eliminated their oversight of plain old telephone service (POTS)?  And 62 Million businesses have transitioned from POTS to VoIP in their business model, according to the FCC. Surprisingly, 24% of businesses are still relying on POTS solutions […]

1 CommentDecember 2020
POTS Line Replacement

POTS Line Replacement Solutions

It’s the dawning of a new era.  If you haven’t yet, you will soon receive a letter from your current telecom provider if you are still using the copper phone lines (POTS Lines) for your communications solutions. Dear Business Owner: Effective immediately, the cost for your current POTS line phone services will be increased by […]

CommentsOctober 2020