VoIP Replace Outdated PSTN

Why VoIP to Replace Outdated PSTN Connections?

Have you heard?  New legislation approved with the FCC has released the traditional telephony carriers from maintaining the copper POTS lines, or the outdated Public Switched Telephony Networks (PSTN) that have been the backbone of American communications since 1877.  Starting next year, if a copper wire breaks, telephony providers no longer have to fix the […]

CommentsOctober 2019
Cloud Communications

The Future of Work is Here: Cloud Communications

What is the future?  Oxford dictionary defines the word as: Future – the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come. ~Oxford Dictionary Throughout humanity, many have attempted to predict the future.  For individuals, for humanity as a whole. We have spent countless hours […]

CommentsOctober 2019

Telecommunications in Senior Living Communities

As of 2016, over one million Americans lived in some type of senior living community, with that number expected to double by 2030, according to an American Senior Living Communities report.  And not only are more Americans living in senior communities than in previous years, the technology gap is closing between the generations.  More and […]

CommentsJuly 2019