cloud communications technology

Lessons Learned From COVID-19 Will Influence Cloud Communications Technology Investments

Even before the events of 2020, cloud communications technology like Unified-Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS) were experiencing rapid growth for several reasons, including: Evergreen technology – Businesses are guaranteed access to the latest functions and features of the technology immediately. Reduced complexity – No need to have the specialized talent in-house.  By outsourcing your technology needs, the provider […]

CommentsApril 2021
business pots line replacement

Does My Business Need a POTS Line Replacement Solution?

The future is here, at least when referring to business telephony.  We’ve discussed this in detail over the last few weeks about how the FCC has enabled the traditional PSTN carriers to shut down the copper wires we all have used for the last 150 years, begging the question: does my business need a POTS […]

CommentsMarch 2021
Fire Alarm Burn

How to Avoid Getting Burned By Your Fire Alarm When Migrating to VoIP

POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) is quickly fading.  More providers are starting to take advantage of the FCC’s ruling to remove the maintenance requirement of the traditional copper lines and are transitioning their networks to fiber optic cables, leaving end-users with few options. Remember the days when telephone poles graced the horizon with hundreds and […]

CommentsMarch 2021