prepare for lockdown

How to Prepare in the Event of a Second Lockdown

2020 has been a year of firsts, at least for most of us.  A global pandemic has disrupted even the smallest of our lives details and we all witnessed an event we never expected: the complete shutdown of an entire economy.  Unfortunately, these drastic measures only curbed the spread for the short term and it […]

CommentsNovember 2020
Highly engaged employees

High Employee Engagement is Key to Business Success

Businesses with highly engaged employees outperform the rest by 202%, according to recent surveys on employee engagement, and see a 20% increase in sales. As a result, businesses that placed an emphasis on increasing employee engagement also realized 2.5x more revenue growth than unengaged workers. Source: Interact Intranet As you can see in the graphic […]

CommentsSeptember 2020
Unified Communications enables remote work

How Unified Communications Enables Remote Work

Looking back a year ago, we shared how remote work programs have grown 159% over the last 10 years as employees had increasingly placed a priority on a good work/life balance, and how businesses were tapping into unified communications to enable remote work.  While this statistic is still true and relevant, it’s probably safe to […]

CommentsSeptember 2020