alarm and fax

The Future of Fax and Alarm Technology

What Will Happen to Fax and Alarm Technology After the PSTN Phase-Out You may have already heard the news, but traditional copper lines are fading into the past and will no longer be supported by any of the carriers of last resort.  If you are one of the 24% of businesses still relying on the […]

CommentsMarch 2020
PSTN phased out

PSTN Connections Set to be Phased Out

“Replacement of the PSTN with a global VoIP-only network delivering service provider wired voice and wireless voice is not a question of if, but when.“ ~Larry Hettick, Network World January 31, 2014, marked the beginning of the end for the copper lines of the PSTN with the FCC deciding in favor of deactivating the network […]

3 CommentsNovember 2019
VoIP Replace Outdated PSTN

Why VoIP to Replace Outdated PSTN Connections?

Have you heard?  New legislation approved with the FCC has released the traditional telephony carriers from maintaining the copper POTS lines, or the outdated Public Switched Telephony Networks (PSTN) that have been the backbone of American communications since 1877.  Starting next year, if a copper wire breaks, telephony providers no longer have to fix the […]

CommentsOctober 2019