
COVID-19 and the New Normal of Work: Hybrid

There is no denying this last year was enlightening in so many ways, but one of the big ones was a complete realignment with how we believe work gets done.  Remote work, hybrid-work, flexible work.   While work was already trending this way, we learned that work could get done from home in those back-office […]

CommentsJune 2021
prepare for lockdown

How to Prepare in the Event of a Second Lockdown

2020 has been a year of firsts, at least for most of us.  A global pandemic has disrupted even the smallest of our lives details and we all witnessed an event we never expected: the complete shutdown of an entire economy.  Unfortunately, these drastic measures only curbed the spread for the short term and it […]

CommentsNovember 2020
COVID-19 Video Call

How has COVID-19 Changed the Way We Collaborate?

How has COVID-19 Changed the Way We Look at Video Calling? Video calling is not new.  The technology has existed since 1964.  Yes, you read that right.  1964.  It is only recently that the technology has started to gain popularity.  Web conferencing and screen sharing have been the go-to solution for conducting meetings and conversations […]

CommentsJune 2020