Every business is unique, so the ideal communications solution should be too.
It's Not One Size Fits All
MIX Networks® solution is highly flexible and can be customized to meet your businesses unique needs. We believe you shouldn't have to pay for features you don't use, so we design your implementation around how you and your employees work best.
Enterprise Level Communications
Cloud-based Hosted PBX solutions like MIX Networks®
enable your business to compete more effectively
against larger competitors. With enterprise level
technology, you can "look big" to your customers
without the significant OpEx costs.
Subscription-Based Service
Other solutions only provide bundles of features,
meaning you get each feature in the bundle, even
if you don't need it. With MIX Networks®, you can
customize your solution to only include those
features you will need and only what you use.
Reduce the Complexity of Managing Your Phone System
With both on-site and web-based training available and 24/7 customer support, MIX Networks® is
dedicated to helping you get all that you can from your phone system. Additional benefits include user and manager web portals enabling you to easily manage any adds, moves, and changes in your
telecom needs without those expensive monthly maintenance contracts.
We Grow With You
MIX Networks®‘ hosted solution is scalable,enabling your solution to grow with you.
Learn more about how we can put
Unified Communications at Work for you by downloading our Hosted PBX slick.