POTS Replacement Myths Debunked

CommentsSeptember 2024

The telecommunications landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace in an era of rapid technological advancement. As businesses and individuals consider moving away from traditional Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) lines, they often encounter a mix of outdated information and misconceptions. This blog post aims to shed light on five common myths surrounding the replacement […]

Comparing POTS Line Replacement Providers: What You Need to Know

CommentsSeptember 2024

AT&T sparked quite the conversation earlier this year when it petitioned the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to let the telecommunications giant out of its Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) designation. This designation required AT&T to serve every customer within the franchise area, even if it meant expanding facilities at their expense to serve a […]

The Rise of Remote and Hybrid Work: 30 Key Statistics to Know

CommentsAugust 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a seismic shift in how and where people work. Remote and hybrid work models have become the new normal for many organizations and employees. As we look ahead, the data shows that this transition to more flexible work arrangements is here to stay. Let’s dive into 30 of the most […]