Kari's Law reminder

Reminder: Kari’s Law Goes into Effect Next Month

If you haven’t heard the news yet, then you need to pay close attention.  Kari’s Law was passed into law back in February of 2018 and requires all multi-line telephony solutions (both VoIP, cloud, and on-premise) to be configured in a way that the caller will not have to dial 9, or any other prefix, […]

CommentsJanuary 2020
Unified-Communications-as-a-Service (UCaaS) helps businesses succeed

UCaaS Tools Helps Businesses Succeed

Unified-Communications-as-a-Service Tools Helps Businesses Succeed Consider this: Organizations with highly engaged staff outperform competitors by as much as 147% Highly engaged staff equals a 19.2% operating income growth over 12 months Companies who invest in employee experience are 4x as profitable as those who don’t There is a strong correlation between employee experience, customer satisfaction, […]

CommentsJanuary 2020

New Decade, New Way to Communicate: UC

In 1876, when presented with Alexander Graham Bell’s invention, then president Rutherford B. Hayes declared, “That’s an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?” Similarly, the iPhone was met with criticism and laughter prior to its release in 2007. It seems like every revolutionary invention is met with criticism, But […]

CommentsJanuary 2020