Kari's Law reminder

Reminder: Kari’s Law Goes into Effect Next Month

If you haven’t heard the news yet, then you need to pay close attention.  Kari’s Law was passed into law back in February of 2018 and requires all multi-line telephony solutions (both VoIP, cloud, and on-premise) to be configured in a way that the caller will not have to dial 9, or any other prefix, […]

CommentsJanuary 2020
Compliance with Kari's Law

Steps to Ensure Compliance with Kari’s Law

At the time this blog was written, Kari’s Law was less than 66 days away from the deadline businesses have to comply with the new regulations.  Two years after the proposal was signed, the regulation will “go live” on February 16, 2020. Previously, we shared the history of Kari’s Law and the effects it would […]

CommentsDecember 2019
e911 FCC

FCC Rules Additional e911 Fees for VoIP is Prohibited

Last week the FCC convened to discuss section 6(f)(1) of the New and Emerging Technologies 911 Improvement Act of 2008 or Net 911 Act.  Intended to promote a transition from PSTN legacy 911 infrastructure to newer, digital, and VoIP networks, the original act prohibited charging fees to VoIP users over the fees that are paid […]

CommentsOctober 2019