Remote work

The Future of Remote Work

It’s undeniable that we have been living through unprecedented times.  And as we move forward, we will do so with lessons learned, especially when it comes to where work happens.   As the vice president of advisory in the Gartner HR practice, Elisabeth Joyce, said recently “The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a huge experiment in […]

CommentsSeptember 2021

POTS Lines Vs. VoIP: The Battle of a Lifetime

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.   Professor X and Magneto.  Batman and The Joker.  Harry Potter and Voldemort.  What do all of these duos have in common?  Well, they all were fighting for dominance, just like the analog landline (POTS, plain old telephone service) and Voice over IP (VoIP) have been for generations. The difference […]

CommentsAugust 2021
extend pbx life

How to Extend the Life of Your PBX Solution

In 1965, American engineer Gordon Moore theorized that the transistors on computer chips  (and by association, technology) doubled every two years and Moore’s Law was born.  Although magazine’s and news outlets of the time referred to Moore’s Law with the same “assurance” as Newton’s Law of Motion, Moore’s Law was an extrapolation of an observation […]

CommentsAugust 2021