Woman holding copper POTS phone

Overview of Copper POTS Lines in Telecom

Copper POTS lines, or Plain Old Telephone Service lines, have been a mainstay technology for telecom for decades. They enable voice transmission over analog circuits, making them ideal for business or home use. This article will explain the differences between digital and analog communications and help you understand the applications of these Copper Phone lines […]

CommentsJanuary 2023
Hot desking

What is Hot Desking or Hoteling?

After several years of pandemic precautions, we can no longer deny that working from home is a viable workplace strategy.  With 60% of workers still working from home with the blessing of their company, the workplace is being reimagined and many organizations have chosen to adopt hybrid work.  And one way you can meet the […]

CommentsNovember 2022
POTS Replacement

POTS Replacement Options for Small Businesses

POTS lines, aka Plain Old Telephone Service, have been foundational in our businesses for over a century but as we have discussed several times recently, the technology is phasing out leaving many of us with a decision to make.  How do we continue to communicate when POTS lines no longer work? If you find yourself […]

CommentsOctober 2022